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SUNY Press Resumes Publication of the Cooper Edition

james fenimore cooper

The “Writings of James Fenimore Cooper” (the “Cooper Edition”) is delighted to announce that the State University of New York Press has resumed publication of our scholarly texts. SUNY Press published seventeen titles between 1980 and 1991, after which the now-defunct AMS Press took over our publications.
We are especially happy that SUNY Press plans to re-issue the nine texts AMS published before its bankruptcy in 2016.

In 2018 SUNY Press published The Wing-And-Wing, and plans soon to reissue The Chainbearer (AMS, 2016) and a revised text of The Spy (AMS, 2000).

Planning for the Bicentennial of The Spy

The reissue of The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground is especially timely; it was first published on December 22, 1821. Thus the bicentennial of the work which established Cooper’s national and international fame will occur in two years. 

Members of the Advisory Committee of “The Writings of James Fenimore Cooper” and of the American Antiquarian Society have begun to plan a series of events and publications to celebrate the beginning of Cooper’s career as America’s most influential—and most read—antebellum novelist.
For information on these plans, contact Ashley Cataldo at the American Antiquarian Society at or the Cooper Edition Editor in Chief,
Lance Schachterle, at

Learn more about “The Writings of James Fenimore Cooper” at and